Tu as MUIM_Application_ShowHelp dans Bollywood ?
Hop, tu appeles cette méthode depuis ton bouton et c'est tout bon !
MUIM_Application_ShowHelp (V4 ) 0x80426479
DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_ShowHelp,Object *window, char *name, char *node, LONG line);
Show an AmigaGuide help file. The application will be
put to sleep until the file is displayed.
Usually, you don't need to call this method directly.
MUI comes with a sophisticated online help system,
you just need to supply your gadgets with help nodes
and everything will be handled automatically.
window - (Object *) - Help will appear on this windows screen. May
be NULL, help will appear on default public
screen then. May also be (Object *)0xffffffff,
MUI will use the first open child window of
application as reference for the screen
(since muimaster.library V18).
name - (char *) - name of the help file. If set to NULL, MUI
will use contents of MUIA_Application_HelpFile
instead (since muimaster.library V18).
node - (char *) - name of a node in this help file.
line - (LONG) - line number.
MUIA_HelpFile, MUIA_HelpNode, MUIA_HelpLine