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SDK d'AmigaOS 4.1 mis à jour 545

Bruxelles – Le 5 Octobre 2022

Hyperion Entertainment est heureuse d'annoncer la disponibilité immédiate d'une mise à jour substantielle du  Software Development Kit (SDK) pour AmigaOS 4.1 54.16.

A téléchager sur ce lien.

Hyperion Entertainment souhaite remercier à nouveau George Sokianos ainsi que toute l'équipe de développement d'AmigaOS 4.x qui ont permis cette mise à jour.

Si vous souhaitez supporter nos efforts, n'hésitez pas à vister notre boutique AmigaOS.

Nouvelles fonctonnalité principales (texte laissé volontairement  en anglais, les développeurs francophones sur AmigaOS 4.1 utilisant de facto cette langue) :

- the inclusion of different versions of the GCC compiler starting from the old 6.4.0, to 8.4.0, 10.3.0 and 11.2.0 which can be selected during installation including the option to install multiple versions;
- the addition of a tool added to set the default gcc version;
- SPE optimized binaries can be generated by using GCC 6.4 for maximum performance on systems equipped with an SPE;
- vbcc compiler is once more included in the SDK, configured to work “out of the box”;
- Simplegit and Subversion are now included;
- Profyler 1.1 added and Hieronymus updated to 0.50 version;
- Updated the include headers and the autodoc documentation;
- Added extended documentation for all the GCC versions included;
- AmiSSL 5.3 SDK is included;
- Latest AutoDocViewer 1.4 is included;
- newlib and clib updated to the latest versions;
- ExecSG SDK updated to the latest version;
- Many code examples were updated to reflect the newest changes, removing obsolete API calls;
- Updated the "AmigaOS 4.1 SDK.pdf" with new sections and format;
- Many more tools were updated to their respective latest versions.

Root Publié le : Jeudi 06 octobre 2022 @ 07:57:57

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