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Forum » » OS4 toutes plateformes confondues » » AOS4 et medias en FAT32: gestion sous AOS4

Posté : 21-09-2010 20:52 icone du post


pour ton information:

oui, oui, elwood et moi (et plein d'autres) avons eu le meme probleme.

selon tonyW, c'est resolu (un thread sur amigans). ype=&topic_id=3945&forum=22

@kas1e, modfr:

The original bug report described the corruption of FAT32 USB media. It was also reported by some people that a USB stick formatted as FFS also showed problems. That bug has been fixed, I can now dump large numbers of files with long names etc to a USB stick formatted as FAT32 or FFS with no problems on the A1 (UHCI) or the Sam (EHCI). I haven't tried formatting a USB stick with SFS or JXFS.

I don't know about the Memguard report - it's not a crash or a fault, it's only a warning message and probably means nothing bad.

Reste le memguard hit lors d'une copie sur clé USB mais la on ne sais rien.

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x