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Posté : 31-03-2014 23:48 icone du post

RadeonHD 1.0 dispo sur le site d'A-Eon pour les utilisateurs enregistrés.

1.0 2014/03/29
- Bumped the version to 1.0

1.0 RC4 (0.59) 2014/01/29
- Disabled compositing for 16-bit target bitmaps/screens with Radeon HD 7xxx
cards (never worked properly due to hardware limitations)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.0 RC3 (0.58) that caused Composite3DDemo
to lock up the machine

1.0 RC3 (0.58) 2014/01/27
- Could get a deadlock when the RadeonHD_RM.resource's memory
management is used (locked up RHDRMTest2). FIXED
- WaitIdle() now locks the command processor to ensure that it's idle
and prevent a very rare infinite loop from occurring
- Now lower Evergreen+ clocks down to initial values for initialisation
after a soft-reset (helps with some cards)
- Fixed a bug in the code to get the graphics card's ROM (needed for Cyrus)

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x