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Posté : 31-08-2013 11:13 icone du post

Guillaume c'est possible avec tunenet :

Playing from a Shell

TuneNet ?

for a list of options.

-playlist: Requests TuneNet to play from a playlist (.m3u) file.

-browser: Forces TuneNet to cache the PLS file it receives from the browser.

-stream : TuneNet will attempt to pick up an MP3 stream at the given http:

-load : Preload the MP3 to ram before playing

-v : Verbose output (Useful in shell mode)

-p : Change the main task priority.

-nogui : Overrides preferences and disables the main GUI!

-nodock : Overrides preferences and disables the docky display.

-daemon : Runs in the background (No GUI or Docky in this mode)*.

Enhanced Daemon Mode and CLI Options
-stoptune Stop the current tune
-restarttune restart the current tune
-pausetune Pause toggle
-addtune Add tune without playing
-nexttune Next tune in playlist
-prevtune Previous tune in playlist
-nexttrack Next track (sub-song)
-prevtrack Previous track (sub-song)
-quit Kill TuneNet Processes

Note: To set the default preferences easily run the main application with
the GUI once and use the preferences window. Starting from the command line
after this will use your preference set.

TuneNet mymusic.mp3
TuneNet listen.pls
TuneNet -stream http://somemusicstream:8080
TuneNet -nogui mymusic.mp3
TuneNet -playlist mylist.m3u
TuneNet -nodock -nogui somemoremusic.mod

Daemon Mode
From CLI type:
run TuneNet -daemon

..this will run the system in the background and you can now launch any song
by typing:


..causing the CLI to return immediately.

To kill the daemon type:

break name tunenet

..or use the included Stop TuneNet script.
Coin coin...
Sam460 1,15Ghz - OS4.1FE - Radeon Saphir HD7750 R7 250E - 2Go de ram

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x