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Posté : 20-08-2010 01:27 icone du post

Salut à tous,

J'ai uploadé la nouvelle alpha de l'AmiDARK Engine.
Le GDK contient maintenant plus de 380 commandes/fonctions pour aider dans le développement de jeux vidéo sur nos Amiga équipés de l'Amiga OS 4.1

Vous pourrez pour l'instant la télécharger dans le dossier uploads de os4depot mais bientôt elle remplacera la version précédente :

Les principales améliorations depuis la 1ère release sont dans les 3 jeux de commandes suivants : Basic3D, Caméras, Lumières 3D. Il y a désormais plus de contrôles et de qualité de rendu. Les objets 3D importés gèrent maintenant leur textures eux même. Pour l'instant seul le format 3D internet au moteur est supporté mais d'autres formats viendront bientôt ...

Vous pourrez tester les 4 démos fournies avec l'alpha R2, les modifier et les recompiler à votre guise.

EDITO 2010.08.20 13:22
Voici la liste des nouveautés de cette version :

- Reorganised source codes in /shared/ and in subfolders.
- Added support for CreateDeleteString() system similar to DarkBASIC PRo & DarkGDK.
- Added separate debug mode to display only information from the plugin to debug.
- Added internal functions for bits manipulations.
- Added timer.device to handle frame rate and soonly animations.
- Added support for window close caption.

- Added DBProEx( Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4 ) function.

- Internal object structure changed.
- Loaded 3D Objects automatically load internal textures and applies them to limbs.
- Loaded 3D Objects that have internal textures, also delete them when object is deleted.
- fixed texture issue with loaded object.
- fixed applying world matrix changed to limb using limb hierarchy.
- Support for DETextureObject on loaded objects.
- Improved texture support to apply textures params. only if texture is used.
- WIP : Adding MESH dependencies to handle correct position/rotation within the 3D object.
- Added Basic 3D MESHES functions.
- 3D Object support rebuilded to handle limbs.
- Fixed texture issue with skysphere objects.
- Now Disable global lighting on a 3D object that is not sensitive to lights.
- Changes how textures are applied on a 3D Object to be the same than DarkBASIC Professional.
- Added command : DEScrollObjectTexture( ObjectID, U.f, V.f )
- Added command : DEScaleObjectTexture( ObjectID, XScale.f, YScale;f )
- Added support for bilinear/trilinear/no filtering on 3D objects.
- Added support for extra propoerties ( fog, light, ambient 3D objects sensitivity )
- Added support for object Ambience, Specular, Diffuse and Emissive properties functions.
- Added support for Ghost Object functions ( On/Off Ex with support for dark ghost mode too )
- Added support for ScaleObject() function
- Added support for transparency using BLENDING command set : Set Alpha Mapping On.
- Added support for 3D Objects instancies.
- Fixed Objects rotation to be the same than Default DarkBASIC Professional ones.
- Support for Objects Texturing, Lighting ( Light 0 ), Normals.

- Added several camera functions.
- Added DESyncMask() function for camera enabling/disabling.
- Added functions DESyncOn(), DESyncOff(), DESyncRate( RATE );
- Fx Camera clear (glClear) to clear only the camera display area on screen.
- Added DEScreenFPS() and DEStatistics() functions.
- Fix camera backdrop to not clear Basic2D draws.
- Updated camera rotations calculations to be the same than DarkBASIC Professional.
- Updated camera movements calculations to be the same than DarkBASIC Professional.
- Added support for camera backdrop color.

- Added function to read free memories.
- Added various internal & user Core command set functions.

- Added support for FILES command set ( OpenToRead, OpenToWrite, Close, MakeMemblockFromfile)

- Adding some IMAGES command set
- Added internal functions to separate Image to internal images.
- Handle internal images in load/delete image functions.
- Added support for internal images in Basic 3D objects render.
- Added DrawToFront & DrawToBack function to change priority between 2D and 3D drawing.

- Added functions to enable/disable escape key use to quit an AmiDARK Engine application.
- Improving DBKeyState() function.
- Improving internal MiniGL MyKeyboardFunc() function.
- Added support for various keyboard functions (scancode, keystate, special keys : up, down, left, right, function keys F1 to F12

- Adding Ambient light support
- Added DEShowLight() DEHideLight() functions.
- Improved light support.
- Improved Light 0 to fit default DarkBASIC Professional settings.
- Added move camera functions.

- Adding some MEMBLOCK command set

- Added support for switching from windowed to fullscreen and reverse.

(désolé j'ai la flemme de retraduire :p)


Message édité par : Creols / 20-08-2010 07:46
Message édité par : Elwood / 20-08-2010 12:30
Message édité par : AmiDARK / 20-08-2010 13:22
Message édité par : AmiDARK / 20-08-2010 13:23

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x