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Posté : 08-04-2013 16:18 icone du post

Comme vous le savez mon anglais est très mauvais
Comme vous le savez aussi je bosse toujours sur ma lib Microbe3D et là j'ai traduis sa doc en anglais....
( Pour ceux qui connaissent pas Microbe3D vidéo ici
Quelqu'un pourrais relire/corriger ma doc ci dessous ?

Microbe3D: Micro 3D Engine for Wavefront .OBJ files using Warp3D
Microbe3D.library: Alain Thellier - Paris - FRANCE - 2011 to 2013

Why Microbe3D?
Microbe3D is a small engine that displays directly Wavefront .OBJ 3D files
MICROBE3D means "MICRo. OBj Engine for warp3D"

The general philosophy is "Keep it simple and make it simpler"
0) Microbe 3D is fast and beautiful
1) No need to know hundreds of functions as OpenGL
2) No need to try to understand how may work Warp3D
3) No need to set lots of "States" to obtain a particular effect
4) OpenGL is "drawing" oriented : Permanently you draw faces, points, colors, etc. ..
But Microbe3D is 3D-Object oriented : just load the 3D Objects in the Scene. Then draw the entire Scene with a single function
5) If Microbe3D contains 40 functions so my goal is "Can it be done with 35 functions to make it easier?"
6) So when a function does something similar to another, I try to make a generic function that can handle different "Things"
7) No need to know what you are working: all structures are private. The programmer only handles generic pointers (APTR = memory address)
8) When you call a function with a pointer to a "Thing", then automatically Microbe3D guess what this "Thing" is (Object, Scene, Light, Instance)
9) Microbe3D is 3D-Object oriented you do not draw or build your 3D Objects in Microbe3D = just create them with your favorite 3D applications (like Blender)
Then export as .OBJ. .MTL JPG
[Blender Menu : File/Export/Wavefront(.OBJ)]
10) Now (March 2013) Microbe3D has 35 functions, but in fact you need less than 10 Microbe3D functions to make a 3D program that works
11) With Microbe3D you can easily add a moving 3D-Object (rotating logo,etc...) to your Amiga applications
12) But Microbe3D is still a small 3D engine so do not expect to create "Quake" with it

First Microbe3D program

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
APTR Scene;
APTR Object;
APTR Instance;
ULONG VanillaKey;

Scene =U3D_EasyOpenScene("Amiga Logo",480,480); /* open a scene in a 480x480 pixels window */

Object=U3D_Read(Scene,"data/AmiLogo.obj"); /* load a 3D object */
if(Object==NULL) goto panic; /* if not loaded then exit */

Instance=U3D_AddInstance(Scene,Object,"Instance"); /* add to scene */

printf(" Esc for quit \n");
U3D_Rotate(Instance,3.0,1.0,4.0,U3D_CHANGE); /* rotate logo */
U3D_DrawScene(Scene); /* draw all */
VanillaKey =U3D_QueryValue(Scene,U3D_VANILLAKEY); /* get keyboard value */

U3D_Delete(Scene); /* close all */
return 0;



Everything you create is loaded or stored in a Scene (Something like a GL context or Warp3D context ....)
The Scene also !!!include!!!s an Amiga-window and an Amiga-bitmap used as a back buffer.
So the first step to start a program is to open a Microbe3D Scene
Scene is necessary as a parameter for various Microbe3D functions
But some functions do not need to specify the Scene like
U3D_Write (MyObject, "myObject.obj");
as MyObject is already defined in a particular Scene

Microbe3D uses 3D Objects loaded from .OBJ files only
But there are many converters available on the Internet that can convert different 3D formats to the .OBJ format
You can use Blender to create or import/convert/export Objects
Blender menu: File/Export/Wavefront (.OBJ)

Microbe3D uses standard 3D Materials loaded from .MTL files
So you can have Materials like copper, marble,glass .... .
Microbe3D cant directly manipulate nor create materials.
But just use any 3D application (such as Blender) to create materials and then load them from a .MTL file

Group is a list of triangles using a material.
So a Group define the portion of an Object using a special material.
Microbe3D can not directly manipulate Groups.
But just use any 3D application (such as Blender) to create Groups, and then load them from the .OBJ file

There are 8 lights in the Scene that can be disabled/enabled/modified as you want
The lighting in Microbe3D follows (mostly) the OpenGL rules .

This is something (Thing) that is displayed on the Scene and can be moved/rotated/scaled.
Instances usually display Objects
MyObject = U3D_Read (Scene, "eagle.obj") /* loaded into memory * /
Instance = U3D_AddInstance (Scene, MyObject, "MyInstance") /* on the screen * /
You can have multiple Instances of the same Object: so we can display the same Object in different sizes/different positions
Map and Instance are the only things displayed in a Scene

Map is used for a video game: it defined a grid that displays several Objects like a chess game
A Map can be 2D or 3D
A Map is filled with Tiles
Map and Instance are the only things displayed in a Scene

Is a case of a Map that contains just a number (=TileNum) or 0 if it is empty

TileDef define what will be displayed (= Object) if a tile contains a particular value (= TileNum)
Thing is a function parameter defined as a generic APTR (void* pointer)
This is the address pointer (APTR also called void* pointer) that store your Thing.
A function that use a Thing will works with an Object or Instance or Light, etc. ..

Functions to start a program/create a Scene

APTR U3D_EasyOpenScene(UBYTE* name, UWORD width, UWORD height);
Easily create a Scene
Create the window for the Scene and the bitmap (backbuffer) of the given size
Scene = U3D_EasyOpenScene ("My first Microbe3D program ", 320,240);
Be careful : if you use this function Microbe3D will also manage window's IDCMP messages
Return value: a Scene or NULL

APTR U3D_OpenScene(APTR win, APTR bm, UWORD x, UWORD y, UWORD width, UWORD height,ULONG flags);
Creates a Scene for specialists
You give an Amiga window (window) already opened and an already created Amiga bitmap as backbuffer
(width x height = bitmap size)
The backbuffer bitmap will be copied in the given window at x y
Be careful if you use this function then Microbe3D wont manage window's IDCMP messages. It is up to you to create/manage IDCMP messages
Flags is 0 for this version.
Return value: a Scene or NULL

Functions to fill the Scene

APTR U3D_Read(APTR Scene, UBYTE* filename);
Reads the Wavefront file (.OBJ) named filename also reads the file. MTL with Materials. Now also works for .GEO file
Return value: an Object or NULL

APTR U3D_AddInstance(APTR ParentInstance, APTR Thing,UBYTE* name);
Adds an Instance named "name" in the Scene
Thing is an Object or Map or NULL
ParentInstance is the Scene or an other Instance
Return Value: An Instance or NULL

Functions to modify the Scene

void U3D_SetInstance(APTR Instance, APTR Thing, ULONG Material);
Modify an existing Instance
The Instance will now display this Thing. This material will be used to display all this Instance
So change what is displayed by an Instance or modify his appearance.
Thing is an Object or Map or NULL
Material is an existing Material or NULL

APTR U3D_SetLight(APTR Light, BOOL Enabled, float* Color);
Changes or activates/desactivates a light
Light is an existing Light. The Scene got eight Lights numbered 1 to 8.
If parameter Light=Scene then we modify the ambient color of the entire Scene and enable/disable all lighting.Enabled is TRUE/FALSE
Color is light color defined as 3 RGB floats
Return Value: The Light parameter or NULL

APTR U3D_SetLightPlus(APTR Light,float SpotExponent,float SpotCutoff,float ConstantAttenuation,float LinearAttenuation,float QuadraticAttenuation)
Modifies the parameters of a special light: functions reserved for specialists.
Light is an existing Light. The Scene got eight Lights numbered 1 to 8.
SpotExponent, SpotCutoff, ConstantAttenuation, LinearAttenuation, QuadraticAttenuation are the same as OpenGL
Return Value: A Light or NULL

Function to draw a Scene

void U3D_DrawScene(APTR Scene);
Draw all Instances & Maps defined in a Scene: Draw all.

Function that delete Things/Close program

void U3D_Delete(APTR Thing);
For a given Thing clear away & free the used memory
Thing may be Scene/Object/Instance/Light/Map
Object: removed from the Scene and freed from memory
Instance: removed from the Scene and freed from memory
Map: removed from the Scene and freed from memory
Light: just disable
Scene: The Scene and all are removed and free all the used memory. Window and bitmap are closed/freed.

Functions to modify position/scale

void U3D_Translate(APTR Thing, float x, float y, float z,ULONG mode);
Translation of the given Thing
Thing can be Object/Instance/Light
Object: modifies the original loaded Object (destructive action)
Instance: just change its current position
Light: changes its position
For Object the mode is ignored
For Instance/Light if the mode is U3D_RESET then xyz values completely replace the old translation. But for Light also takes into account the default position (the OpenGL default position )
For Instance/Light if the mode is U3D_CHANGE then xyz values are added to the old xyz translation.

void U3D_Rotate(APTR Thing, float x, float y, float z,ULONG mode);
Rotation of the given Thing
Thing can be Object/Instance/Light
Object: modifies the original loaded Object (destructive action)
Instance: just change its current rotation
Light: changes its direction
For Object the mode is ignored
For Instance/Light if the mode is U3D_RESET then xyz values completely replace the old rotation. But for Light also takes into account the default position (the OpenGL default position )
For Instance/Light if the mode is U3D_CHANGE then xyz values are added to the old xyz rotation.

void U3D_Scale(APTR Thing, float x, float y, float z,ULONG mode);
Resizing of the given Thing
Thing can be Object/Instance
Object: modifies the original loaded Object (destructive action)
Instance: just change its current size
For Object the mode is ignored
For Instance if the mode is U3D_RESET then xyz values completely replace the old xyz scale.
For Instance if the mode is U3D_CHANGE then xyz values are multiplied to the old xyz scale.

Fonctions that modify Object data
WARNING: These actions will truly change the original loaded Object (destructive action)

void U3D_ReverseWinding(APTR Object);
Chnage hidden face side: clockwise or counterclockwise

void U3D_SetSpecialMaterial(APTR Object, APTR Material, APTR Material2, ULONG MatMode);
Defined a special material in this Object.
Material is a Material that exists in that Object.
Material2 is a Material that exists in that Object.
Material2 for U3D_TEXCUBIC/U3D_MATENVCUBE is the first face that defines a cube-env otherwise is NULL
(See an example in materials-list.mtl)
For U3D_MATBUMP Material2 defines the bump material
MatMode can be
U3D_TEXLINEARX Makes a linear texturing among x axis
U3D_TEXLINEARY Makes a linear texturing among y axis
U3D_TEXLINEARZ Makes a linear texturing among z axis
U3D_TEXCUBIC Makes a spherical texturing
U3D_TEXSPHERIC Makes a cube texturing
U3D_MATENVCUBE Makes an environment cube-mapping(dynamic)
U3D_MATTOON Makes a toon shading (dynamic)
U3D_MATBUMP Makes a bump Mapping (dynamic)

void U3D_Weld(APTR Object, float WeldV, float WeldN, float WeldUV);
Eliminate (weld) vertices that are closer than the WeldV distance
This simplifies an Object by removing unnecessary vertices
This can be done with the vertices and/or normal and/or UV values
Principle: For each vertex if a vertex is closer than the distance to WeldV
from another vertex then the first vertex is keeped and the second vertex removed
Ditto for vertex-normals with WeldN
Ditto for the UV texture values with WeldUV

void U3D_GridWeld(APTR Object, float GridV, float AngleN, float GridUV)
Same as U3D_Weld same but first aligns existing points on a grid then call U3D_Weld()
GridV GridUV are the grid steps for the vertices values and UV texture values
AngleN is the required angular resolution(as degree) for normals
AngleN generates GridN = the minimum distance required to represent this AngleN
(GridN = sin (AngleN Pi/180.0 *) ;)
Typically for removing double points which are not visible on the screen will be:
Scene = U3D_EasyOpenScene ("My first program Microbe3D", 320,240);
float PixelResolution = 1.0/(float) 320;
MyObject = U3D_Read (Scene, "myObject.obj"); /* loaded into memory * /
U3D_GridWeld (MyObject, PixelResolution,;

void U3D_Unitize(APTR Object, float size);
Force the Object to fit into a cube. Cube dimension is the size
Typically in order to adjust an Object to the screen (so -1.0 to 1.0) we do
U3D_Unitize (Object, 2.0);

void U3D_Box(APTR Object, float x, float y, float z);
As U3D_Unitize() but forces the Object to fit in a box with dimensions x y z
A dimension can be 0.0 and thus remain unchanged
U3D_Box (Object, 0.2,0.2,0.0); /* Size of the Object x is 0.2, will be in 0.2, but z is unchanged * /

void U3D_SwapAxis(APTR Object, ULONG mode);
Permute all values of the vertices
if mode = U3D_SWAPYZ then y and z are swapped
if mode = U3D_SWAPXZ then x and z are swapped
if mode = U3D_SWAPXY then x and y are swapped
if mode = U3D_SWAPUV then u and v are swapped

void U3D_ObjectNormals(APTR Object, float SmoothAngle);
Generate normals for the Object so allowing lighting
if SmoothAngle = 0.0 then generates just a normal per triangle
if SmoothAngle > 0.0 then generates a "normal vertex" for the faces if AngleFacesSo allow Gouraud lighting and rounded faces.
if SmoothAngle < 0.0 then delete all existing normals and therefore all lighting
Note: In this version SmoothAngle is the same for the whole Object and not adapted to each Material

void U3D_Write(APTR Object, UBYTE* filename);
Saves the Object as a .OBJ and. MTL files
Do not save textures pictures

Query functions

void U3D_Dimensions(APTR Object, Vertex3D *min,Vertex3D *max,Vertex3D *size);
Gives the dimensions of the Thing
Thing can be Object/Group/Material
min->x contain the smallest x value in the Thing (ditto for min->y min->z)
min->x contain the biggest x value in the Thing (ditto for max->y max->z)
size->x = (max->x - min->x); (ditto for size->y size->z)

APTR U3D_Find (APTR BaseThing, ULONG type, UBYTE* name);
Retrieve the pointer to an existing Thing from its name
BaseThing can be Scene/Object/Group/Instance. BaseThing is where we seek.
type is the name of the desired type of thing
If BaseThing is Scene then type can be U3D_OBJECT,U3D_INSTANCE,U3D_MAP,U3D_LIGHT
If BaseThing is an Object then type can be U3D_MATERIAL,U3D_GROUP
If BaseThing is a Group then type can be U3D_MATERIAL
If BaseThing is an Instance then type can be U3D_THING
Object=U3D_Find (Scene,U3D_OBJECT, "teapot.obj");
RubyMaterial=U3D_Find (Object,U3D_MATERIAL, "mat_ruby_transp");
EnvCubeMaterial=U3D_Find (Object,U3D_MATERIAL, "mat_cubemapxpos");
U3D_SetSpecialMaterial(Object,RubyMaterial,EnvCubeMaterial,U3D_MATENVCUBE);< br />Return Value: A NULL or an Object/Instance/Map/Material/Group/Light/Vector3D/Thing

APTR U3D_Get(APTR BaseThing, ULONG type, ULONG Tnum);
Find the pointer on a existing Thing from their number (Tnum = Thing number)
Works as U3D_Find()
Object=U3D_Find (Scene,U3D_OBJECT,3);
Note: Scene/U3D_MOUSEVECTOR returns a pointer to the normalized mouse position
Vertex3D* MouseVector;
If Tnum is greater than or equal to the number of existing Things returns NULL
Return Value: An Object/Instance/Map/Material/Group/Light/Thing or NULL

UBYTE* U3D_Name(APTR Thing);
Gives the name of an existing thing
Warning: The names are less than 80 characters
Return value: an *UBYTE pointer to the name or NULL

LONG U3D_QueryValue(APTR BaseThing,ULONG type)
Returns the value of different variables in the Scene
As the number of triangles, points, etc. of an Object, as the FPS rate of Scene (Frames Per Second) as the mouse position, etc ...
Searchable fields are :

To obtain their count:

For speed
U3D_FPS Frames per second (Speed display)
U3D_FPS50 Frames per second (average on 50 frames)
U3D_TRISDONE Triangles drawn per second
U3D_TRIS50 Triangles drawn per second (average on 50 frames)
U3D_TPF Time per frame in milliseconds (Display speed)
U3D_TPF50 Time per frame in milliseconds (Display speed) (average on 50 frames)

For information
U3D_TIME Elapsed time counted as 1/25th second
U3D_MEMSIZE Memory usage
U3D_VERSION Microbe3D version

If you used U3D_EasyOpenScene() then those fields are automatically filled
U3D_MOUSEX U3D_MOUSEY mouse position in pixels
U3D_MOUSEBUTTONS Mouse buttons
U3D_VANILLAKEY Keyboard key
U3D_MENUCOMMAND Menu of the selected menu command
U3D_GADGETID Gadget selected Id
see Microbe3D.h

Functions for Map & Tiles

APTR U3D_AddMap(APTR Scene,UBYTE *name,Vertex3D *TileSize,ULONG width,ULONG height,ULONG depth);
Creates a new Map for a game
TileSize is the size for each Tile in the Map
width, height, depth are the Map dimensions as Tiles counts
A 2D Map (like a chess game) has a height of 1
Map and Instance are the only things displayed in a Scene
Return value: A Map or NULL

void U3D_SetTileDef(APTR Map, ULONG TileNum, APTR Thing);
In a Map define what will be used to represent a Tile for a given TileNum.
NOTE: TileNum can not be 0 since this value is reserved for empty Tiles

void U3D_SetTile(APTR Map, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG z, ULONG TileNum);
To a given position in the Map define the Tile
if((i+j) % 2)

To a given position in the Map read the Tile
printf("Is black square\n");
printf("Is white square\n");
Return Value: A TileNum or 0

Function to create Objects from scratch
NOTE: Usually you do not need these functions as Objects are loaded from .OBJ file
These functions serve only to create Objects from scratch for 3D expert-coders.
CAUTION: You can not modify an Object loaded from an OBJ file with these functions.

APTR U3D_AddObject(APTR Scene, UBYTE* name,ULONG Pnb,ULONG MATnb);
Creates a new empty Object named name in the Scene
This Object will have Pnb points (Pnb=Points count)
This Object will have MATnb materials (MATnb=Materials count). The Materials are defined by default as greyscale
Creating a cube request 6 squares = 12 triangles = 36 points
Note: Once the Object is finished U3D_Weld() will remove all duplicates points
Return value: an Object or NULL

APTR U3D_AddGroup(APTR Object, UBYTE* name,APTR Material);
Creates a new empty Group named name in the Object
This group will use the material Material and therefore contain all faces that use this material

void U3D_AddFace(APTR Object);
Creates a new empty Face in this Object/Group

void U3D_AddPoint(APTR Object, Vertex3D* V, Vertex3D* VN, Uv3D* UV);
Creates a new Point in the Object/Group/Face
V contains the x y z vertex values
VN contains the x y z vertex-normal values
UV contains the u v texturing values
Note: If you dont have values for VN and/or UV then set those pointers to NULL

Function parameters
see Microbe3D.h

Message édité par : Elwood / 08-04-2013 22:16

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x