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Forum » » Logiciels » » Quake II HD rendering

Posté : 14-06-2015 20:28 icone du post

Samo : you have to buy the real game (better : buy the Hyperion version). We won't accept piracy talking on amiga-NG, sorry

Huno : je n'ai fait aucune modification du fochier de configuration.

Voici ce fichier pour moi :

// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "inven"
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind ' "invdrop"
bind + "sizeup"
bind , "+moveleft"
bind - "sizedown"
bind . "+moveright"
bind / "weapnext"
bind 0 "use BFG10K"
bind 1 "use Blaster"
bind 2 "use Shotgun"
bind 3 "use Super Shotgun"
bind 4 "use Machinegun"
bind 5 "use Chaingun"
bind 6 "use Grenade Launcher"
bind 7 "use Rocket Launcher"
bind 8 "use HyperBlaster"
bind 9 "use Railgun"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "invprev"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "invnext"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+lookup"
bind b "use rebreather"
bind c "+movedown"
bind e "use environment suit"
bind g "use grenades"
bind h "wave 0"
bind i "use invulnerability"
bind j "wave 1"
bind k "wave 2"
bind l "wave 3"
bind p "use power shield"
bind q "use quad damage"
bind s "use silencer"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "wave 4"
bind x "score"
bind z "+lookdown"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "invdrop"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+attack"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind F1 "cmd help"
bind F2 "menu_savegame"
bind F3 "menu_loadgame"
bind F4 "menu_keys"
bind F5 "menu_startserver"
bind F6 "echo Quick Saving...; wait; save quick"
bind F7 "screenshot"
bind F9 "echo Quick Loading...; wait; load quick"
bind F10 "menu_quit"
bind INS "+klook"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind END "centerview"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "+forward"
bind PAUSE "pause"
set ogg_volume "0.7"
set ogg_playlist "playlist"
set ogg_check "1"
set ogg_autoplay "?"
set ogg_sequence "random"
set nostdout "1"
set g_select_empty "0"
set in_mouse "1"
set joy_psx "0"
set joy_pc "0"
set cl_vwep "1"
set gender_auto "1"
set gender "male"
set fov "90"
set msg "1"
set rate "25000"
set freelook "1"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set adr8 ""
set adr7 ""
set adr6 ""
set adr5 ""
set adr4 ""
set adr3 ""
set adr2 ""
set adr1 ""
set adr0 ""
set ogg_enable "1"
set ahi_bits "16"
set ahi_channels "2"
set ahi_speed "22"
set s_primary "0"
set s_mixahead "0.2"
set s_khz "11"
set s_volume "0.7"
set cl_sounddriveros4 "1"
set s_lib "ahi"
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set gl_subdivide_size "64"
set gl_mintriarea "0.5"
set gl_skipparticles "0"
set gl_point_size "2.25"
set gl_drawparticles "1"
set gl_lockmode "MANUAL"
set gl_mtexbuffersize "1024"
set gl_closeworkbench "1"
set gl_buffers "3"
set gl_forcedepth "15"
set gl_texturecache "16777216"
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "0"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set r_nonpoweroftwo_mipmaps "1"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
set gl_driver "MiniGL-GL-OS4"
set gl_flashblend "2"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_shadows "1"
set gl_mode "6"
set gl_modulate "1"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_polycull "1"
set r_vertexlighting "1"
set gl_ext_clip_volume_hint "1"
set gl_affinemodels "1"
set gl_smoothmodels "1"
set gl_keeptjunctions "1"
set r_ignorehwgamma "0"
set r_lerpmodels "1"
set vid_gamma "1"
set vid_ypos "32"
set vid_xpos "115"
set vid_ref "gl"
set sv_reconnect_limit "3"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_players "0"
set allow_download "1"
set hostname "noname"
set skin "cyborg/tyr574"
set name "Player"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "1"
set m_pitch "0.022"
set hand "0"
set cl_run "1"
set crosshair "1"
set sensitivity "1"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100".
AmigaONE X1000/1,8 Ghz (A-Eon), Radeon RX560, 2 Go de Ram et OS4.1 FE

Message édité par : K-L / 14-06-2015 20:28

Cet article provient de Le site des utilisateurs francophones actuels et futurs d'AmigaOS 4.x